Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Student's Prayer ---- and they keep prayin...

This is an interesting poem that I was given by Ms. Sagarika, a lecturer in my college.. I use the adjective 'interestin' because the poem is titled 'The Student's Prayer' in contrast to 'The Student's Reality'... There are some prayers that are nearly impossible... I'm guessing this falls under that category... I can't possibly imagine a student sitting on the shoulders of his teachers, let alone stand!! The poem starts and ends very much along the lines of Pink Floyd's "Hey teachers, leave those kids alone!" although the body of the 'prayer' does bear some rather plausible viewpoints... Read on n lemme know what u can make of it..

The Student's Prayer - by Umberto Maturana

Don't impose on me what you know
I want to explore the unknown
And be the source of my own discoveries
Let the known be my liberation, not my slavery

The world of your truth can be my limitation;
Your wisdom my negation.
Don't instruct me; let's walk together.
Let my richness begin where yours ends.

Show me so that I can stand
On your shoulders
Reveal yourself so that I can be
Something different.

You believe that every human being
Can love and create.
I understand, then, your fear
When I ask you to live according to your wisdom

You will not know who I am
By listening to yourself.
Don't instruct me; let me be.
Your failure is that I be identical to you."

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